Are there any cultural considerations to keep in mind when running a programmatic campaign?

These are some cultural considerations related to multilingual digital marketing, media, and platforms. It's important to note that, depending on the business objective and the customer's budget, a single programmatic campaign can have several objectives, segmentation tactics, and KPIs. Thanks to the flexibility, transparency and access to real-time data offered by programming, advertisers have the option of planning a comprehensive campaign or focusing on specific initiatives, such as awareness, site traffic or direct response. Each month, Basis Technologies' Programmatic 101 series addresses a different facet of programmatic advertising, from best practices for buyers, competitors in the industry, and the trends you need to know.

Nuno has 15 years of experience in the digital media sector. It started with SEO and went on to adopt paid tactics, such as search, social media, programmatic, and audio and video streaming. The key to success is to ensure that any digital content or material you create is multilingual and has been culturally adapted to fit local markets. The “OK” sign is considered very rude and vulgar in Brazil, in this case a “thumbs up” is more appropriate.

Before you start developing an advertising message for various multicultural segments, it's important to determine how your audience segments value features, functions, and benefits. Programmatic advertising automates the purchase of ad impressions on the countless platforms and web sources segmented through the DSP (demand-oriented platform). One of the advantages of digital advertising is the ability to run campaigns anywhere, regardless of where they are published from. When expanding your advertising efforts internationally, consider your campaign's time zone settings to ensure that your ads are shown in the time zone of the selected geographical area and not in the default time zone of your account settings.

There are many ways to buy advertising space online. The most popular are manual placements, advertising on Google, Facebook and Instagram, and programmatic and PPC platforms. It's much easier to run a campaign with sufficient scale when you're targeting English-speaking people in the United States, but that's not true for all international campaigns. Programmatic platforms offer the broadest set of segmentation options, from language and location to device identifier, operating system and browser to daytime division (programming at the time of day), helping ads to appear at the right time and on the right screen.

For advertisers expanding internationally, there are a few areas that need to be considered. The strategy of a multicultural marketing campaign includes targeting people from different cultural backgrounds individually, but with the same overall brand touch. That's why advertisers pay special attention to the omnichannel capabilities of programmatic platforms.

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